How to get Telegram Bot Chat ID?
Create a Telegram Bot and get a Bot Token
Open Telegram application then search for
Click Start
Click Menu -> /newbot or type
and hit SendFollow the instruction until we get message like so
So here is our bot token
(make sure we don't share it to anyone).
Get Chat ID for a Private Chat
Search and open our new Telegram bot
Click Start or send a message
Open this URL in a browser{our_bot_token}/getUpdates
See we need to prefix our token with a word
We will see a json like so
Check the value of
, and here is our Chat ID:21xxxxx38
Let's try to send a message:
When we set the bot token and chat id correctly, the message
should be arrived on our Telegram bot chat.
Get Chat ID for a Channel
Add our Telegram bot into a channel
Send a message to the channel
Open this URL{our_bot_token}/getUpdates
We will see a json like so
Check the value of
, and here is our Chat ID:-1001xxxxxx062
Let's try to send a message:
When we set the bot token and chat id correctly, the message
should be arrived on our Telegram channel.
Get Chat ID for a Group Chat
The easiest way to get a group chat ID is through a Telegram desktop application.
Open Telegram in a desktop app
Add our Telegram bot into a chat group
Send a message to the chat group
Right click on the message and click
Copy Message Link
We will get a link like so:
The pattern:{group_chat_id}/{group_topic_id}/{message_id}
So here is our Chat ID:
To use the group chat ID in the API, we need to prefix it with the number
, like so:-100194xxxx987
Now let's try to send a message:
When we set the bot token and chat id correctly, the message
should be arrived on our group chat.
Get Chat ID for a Topic in a Group Chat
In order to send a message to a specific topic on Telegram group, we need to get the topic ID.
Similar to steps above, after we click the
Copy Message Link
, we will get a link like:
, so the group Topic ID is11
.Now we can use it like so (see
When we set the bot token and chat id correctly, the message
should be arrived inside our group chat topic.
Last updated