1️⃣Enable Request for Quote button
Show Quote buttons for your storefront
Last updated
Show Quote buttons for your storefront
Last updated
You can add Quote button on your product page (as in our preview) & collection page.
Collection page here is the page that list all of your products, not the page that shows all your collections of product. Your page can be named as Product page, All products, Catalog, etc.
You can select where the Quote button will display on your page:
Under Add to cart
Under product title
Under product price
Under product description
Position of your choice
With this option, you can select position you want right on your website. Click Select position
You can select position yourself and click on the "plus" button (as above image) to add button. If you are familiar to code, you can enter your code to enter button by clicking "Please click here", then fill your code to confirm.
Note: Make sure that you embedded app on Theme extension in Settings Please go to Online Store -> Themes -> Apps embeded -> Find Quote Snap and next
You can set up to show up Quote button to all products or specific products.
All products: Quote button will show on product page of all your active products.
Select products - Manually: You can search by product names or browse and select your products.
Select products - Automatically: You can set conditions to add button to a specific group of products that you want.
Condition name list for:
Product: Product title, Product type, Product vendor, Product price, Product tag, Inventory quantity, Created/Published time
Collection: Collection
Customers: Customer
Note: With customer condition, customer tag only works when customer logged in. SO you have to do 2 condition at the same time:
Customer - only logged customer can see
Customer - has (not) tag - {tag name}
You can choose condition is AND/OR combination
AND condition: when products match All conditions
OR condition: when products match Any conditions
Here you can change how your text in the button.
Note: Text font will be synced to your theme font.
Here you can customize how your button look and how to interact with it to fit your store vibe.
Hover: Thats how the button will look like when you hover on the button