Update Log
Tax rate - Quote detail
Now you can add tax rate in your quote detail along with discount and shipping fee.
Set up guide
New update on functions that helps users get started easier
New Ui for homepage
Quotation email
Now, when users click "Download Quotation PDF" in Quotation email, file will be auto saved to devices instead of opening file in a new tab.
Template - Email
If users are using old template (which is not available in new version: Metro, Static), that will be available & stay the same in new version to them. Yet that one will not be edited, but sender name, recipient name & email subject.
Template - Email
Now can set up auto email for customer & admin separately.
New UI for salesperson features and now you can set up more conditions for salesperson assignment. Check out more here.
Now free plan is only available for development stores.
All free old users can still use our free version. If you uninstall app and reinstall app, new pricing plan are applied.
Feature Updates
Pricing Plan
"Starter" plan users can edit 3 default fields (no more 5 fields) in Quote Form.
Button Setting
New appearance settings: Stroke, Drop shadow, Hover
If you hide price on your store, all fields about price on the form will be disabled.
You have separate appearance settings for both button "View Quote" and "View history Quote".
New appearance settings: Stroke, Drop shadow, Hover for both button "View Quote" and "View history Quote".
Display Option of Hide Price will be available for both new or same condition with RFQ button
No more "Mark as purchased" and "Mark as unread". You can now change the status of the quote in new quote lifecycle progress.
No more timeline (change log) of a quote and comment.
Stay tuned. We'll soon release its update.
After convert Quote into Draft Order, draft order information is no longer available. - "Email Invoice" is now updated here. - Create PDF Invoice is also available in your Quote lifecycle progress -> Step 6 -> Create PDF Invoice
You send auto confirmation email to both admin and customer with same template. You can't send different auto confirmation email to admin and customers.
"Show viewed product list" is no longer available in Advanced Settings. "This customer also viewed" is always in each Quote, but only Pro & Enterprise users can see details.
Quote PDF
No more change on properties and VAT in product info.
Invoice PDF
To old users who already used Invoice, they can still use PDF Invoice in Template, while they can not edit Invoice template.
To old users who haven't used Invoice yet, there will be no more Invoice PDF. We'll soon release its update.
Users who are using old version of Email template can still have access to their current template when converting to new version of app.
Last updated